Paper Jewelry - Flower Design 1

Paper Jewelry

Design - Flower - 1

My Inner Origamist asks me to fold Paper Jewelry so my mind is come up the idea to mould some Origami Models to Ornaments.

Story behind this idea : In India, Rakhi is special occassion between brother and sister. From last year, I have started to gift my sisters some special handmade gifts and  this year, Origamihemu (my Inner Origamist), come up with idea of Paper Jewelry.

For this model you need square paper, if possible use glitter paper or any designer paper.
For necklace , you need chain and small O ring.

Diagrams for flower.

NOTE: I found above diagrams in my collections of how to folder, but don't remember from where I got at that time.Please forgive me if this is Copyrighted. As I can't get these diagrams by doing google now , so if any one found author or owner of this design please let me know, so I can seek his/her permission.